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Bigfoot 200 2024

Race starts at noon on Friday, August 9. 9:00 am PT (12:00 pm ET) and the cutoff is Tuesday, August 13, 8:00 pm. You should be able to follow Greg Boland using the live tracking above. We will have intermittent connectivity and will try to post updates here.

Saturday, August 10, 5:00 pm
Greg will complete the halfway mark this evening, rest, and head out early (2 am?) to start his final lap. When I left him at 1:00 this afternoon, he was strong and in good spirits. Ulrika is with him now and I’ll pace him first thing tomorrow followed by Wendelee.
Friday, August 9, 9:40 am

We got Greg off at the race start at 9:00 this morning. He looked good and is ready for this. We’re heading out to the aid stations to check out crew access. Joe Mo gave us some insight as to closures and access which will prove helpful. Live tracking is now enabled and you can follow along at

Wednesday, August 7, 8:00 pm

This was not the day we expected but we have arrived in Seattle at last. Our flight from New York was to leave at 7:00 this morning but left after 1:00 pm. Ulrika had a far worse time of it involving an overnight in Newark and on several standby lists. But we are here and tomorrow we head to pick up our van which will be crew headquarters for the week then off to the race start to get Greg checked in. Now for the bad news, a fire developed overnight in a valley adjacent to the route and a vital road linking the aid stations is closed. The course has been modified into a double fifty-mile out-and-back. Not ideal, but we’re going to make it work and go for a faster time that originally planned. I don’t know if I’ll have a map to link to but the 50 miles is the last on the course from Klickitat to the end. Will give more followup tomorrow. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2:00 pm

The hay is in the barn. I’ve always liked that expression which seems quaint and out of place with regard to what lies ahead. Still, it’s appropriate in that Greg has been consistently training for this and is ready for the challenge ahead—200 miles, 107 hour cutoff, 45,000 feet of vertical gain, 13 aid stations, and a crew of 3 to get him through. We leave early on Wednesday, headed for Seattle, then race prep on Thursday. We’re as prepared as we can be but if recent races have taught us anything, it’s that there can always be surprises. Here we go! —Lee


Alan’s Adventure

September 21 @ 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Michigan Road Lot
Michigan Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

Michigan to Kimberly V3

September 22 @ 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Michigan Road Lot
Michigan Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

Trail Tuesday

September 24 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Michigan Road Lot
Michigan Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

Workout Wednesday—Blue Hill Repeats

September 25 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Kimberly Bridge
Reservation Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

Trail Thursday

September 26 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Michigan Road Lot
Michigan Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

BRLA Fall 10K Trail Race

September 29 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Trail Tuesday

October 1 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Michigan Road Lot
Michigan Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

Trail Thursday

October 3 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Michigan Road Lot
Michigan Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

Head for the Hilltop 5K

October 5 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Trail Tuesday

October 8 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 am
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Michigan Road Lot
Michigan Road
Pound Ridge, NY 10576 United States
+ Google Map

Stay On Course

The Free Avenza Maps software now has a free trail map of the Reservation available here. I’ll make .kml files available as I can so you can load them as layer overlays. Now there’s no excuse to get lost.


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