The Legend of the Five Sisters
Story by Kevin Rader

The greatest treasures can be found in what’s within and all around And to inspire is Nature’s role A kindly heart and virtuous soul
Sadly, destiny took these parents from this world leaving the five sisters under the care of their uncle. He was a bitter, greedy, and violent man. He made the children work tirelessly for his betterment and would often take out his frustrations on them with harsh words and beatings. When things were at their worst and they were at their saddest, the five sisters would huddle together and sing for comfort. After many months of this, they resolved to escape. One night, when the moon and stars were obscured by clouds, they stole away leaving their sleeping uncle behind. The Great Manitou witnessed this and felt compassion for the sisters. He decided he would intercede, but not before they had proven themselves. And so, he prepared five tests for the five sisters. On the first day, the sisters encountered a terrible rain storm. The torrential rains soaked them through. The rain mixed with the tears they shed at their plight and soaked the ground forming the beginnings of seven lakes. With encouragement from the eldest sister, they persisted, trudging through the mud. Eventually, after many hours, the rain stopped. Tired and soaked, they huddle together at the end of the day and sang until they fell asleep.

The greatest treasures can be found in what’s within and all around And to inspire is Nature’s role A kindly heart and virtuous soul
Five Bridges Run
March 16 @ 8:00 am - 9:30 amCross River, NY 10590 United States + Google Map
Trail Tuesday
March 18 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Trail Thursday
March 20 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Mudders & Grunters or Trailside & Town Park
March 23 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Trail Tuesday
March 25 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Trail Thursday
March 27 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Red/Rock Trail Loop
March 30 @ 8:00 am - 9:30 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Trail Tuesday
April 1 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Trail Thursday
April 3 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Meadow to John Jay
April 6 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 amPound Ridge, NY 10576 United States + Google Map
Stay On Course
The Free Avenza Maps software now has a free trail map of the Reservation available here. I’ll make .kml files available as I can so you can load them as layer overlays. Now there’s no excuse to get lost.
Help keep the site running, kick in something for a night run, or help share the cost of special events by donating. Any amount accepted. Thanks.
Donate with Venmo ››
—Kevin Rader
Kevin Rader is a trail runner and fundraiser for the New York-New Jersey Trail conference. Join him in celebrating the trails and those who care for them. Run a few miles with him and give something back. Learn more ››
Kevin Rader is an environmental engineer and avid trail runner.