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Five Word Race Reports

Don’t have time to write a long race report? Don’t have time to read one? This is the place for you. Add your own five word race report and share it with the group. Ready, go!


  1. Wonderful. Evil. Smiles. Tears. Alabama.

  2. I’ll just walk this section

  3. Beautiful trails, great vibe; buckle!!!

  4. Once again, the course wins.

  5. Fairytale trails, big views, pickles.

  6. Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock

  7. speedy meadow run birdhouse prizes

  8. Sketchy trails, scantily flagged; fun!

  9. Like North Face, only harder

  10. Only way out is through

  11. Please God, make it stop!

  12. Running the Devil’s Path is hell!!

  13. Too much snow to finish

  14. Again, Dancing Rock Course Wins!

  15. Flat, hot, repeat circuit 10x

  16. Hot, fast, scary. And beer!

  17. No more first-year races.

  18. Even morefun than I remembered

  19. Stinging bees and tender knees

  20. Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

  21. Mark would love this course.

  22. Harder than childbirth; no epidural

  23. Pemi: harder than R2R2R

  24. Gnarliest trail I’ve ever run

  25. “Type two fun” for sure

  26. Really?! Shit. Really?! Shit. Really??!!

  27. Totally fucking brutal and treacherous.

  28. What were we even thinking?!??

  29. Run. Walk. Run. Eat. Repeat.

  30. Now I need a nap.

  31. Fun for the whole family

  32. Stairs up and down waterfalls

  33. Thank God I didn’t die.

  34. Much hills, many mud, BUGS

  35. TIMP: Why at mile 28?????????

  36. Loop mudfest did not disappoint!

  37. Six rain showers. Many loops.

  38. (They tell me) it’s beautiful

  39. Too cold. Then too hot.

  40. What’s with all that mud?

  41. Damn, my husband beat me.

  42. For fleet footed rockhoppers only

  43. Worst “highest point” view ever.

  44. Surprisingly technical. Also: THE BEES!

  45. LONG. Great chicken soup, though!

  46. Gnarly mud best Catskills view

  47. Stunning Running Bikes Be Damned

  48. Fun gimmick, easy, friendly, snacks!

  49. Muddy puddles and uphill struggles

  50. It’s all uphill from here.

  51. Consider choosing a different race

  52. Run, puke, sh*t, friends, finish.

  53. Technical. Beautiful. Fun. Timp Pass.

  54. Holy fook! Stuck! Need poles!

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