In order to comply with the new NYS guidelines, and to protect our running community and local communities, Sunday Runs will not be hosting group runs until further notice. Stay safe all.
We know, however, that this group of people thrives on the physical and mental health benefits of outdoor activity. To that end, I refer you to our robust “Maps” tab and encourage you to download a map and take a run as needed. Perhaps bring a friend for safety in the event of injury, but maintain safe social distancing. Another suggestion is to coordinate with a small group of friends and exercise the “beacon,” “follow a friend” feature, or join the Leatherman Harriers Strava Group and see what everyone is doing. Run together at a distance, or at separate times and places, but be aware and watchful of one another. We don’t want you out there alone if you run into trouble. If you need help finding a group to connect with that way, please message SundayRuns and we will hook you up. More info here ››
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