May 28, Kimberly Bridge

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Click for map


On Saturday, May 27, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Depew Court in Peekskill when we run the Blue Mountain Reservation Depew Court Perimeter LoopThis run is a little farther away but it will be worth the trip. Meet at the Depew Court Pool parking lot (1 Depew Ct. at Bay St, Peekskill, NY 10566) at 8:00 a.m. but leave a little extra travel time. There are options for making this shorter and once we’re back together, we’ll head over to Peekskill Coffee House at 101 South Division Street for a cup of joe. The perfect way to end the run. If you’re looking to start early, show up at 7:00 a.m. and get a few miles in first but bring your own maps today, I can’t guarantee I’ll be there.

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click for map


On Sunday, May 28, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Ward Pound Ridge Kimberly Bridge Lot when we run a new course on familiar trails—the Kimberly Bridge/Raven Rocks Loop. This course starts out on the beautiful Blue trail before climbing to Raven Rocks and returning via one of three courses depending on your distance. For those looking to do some hill work this weekend, meet at Kimberly Bridge starting at 5:00 a.m. for hill repeats up the Blue trail. Show up anytime and keep going until 8:00 a.m.

click for map


On Monday, May 29, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Devil’s Den, 3 Pent Road, Weston, Connecticut, for a 6-mile loop. Normally, this is a run reserved for Halloween but I think we should check it out in Spring. And plan to stop by Tusk & Cup for coffee and a bite to eat afterwards.
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Enjoy the photo from A Mild Sprain this past Sunday.


May 21, A Mild Sprain

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This Sunday, May 21, at 9:45 a.m., meet at Sprain Ridge Park, Yonkers, for the sixth annual A Mild Sprain—the second in the Trail Mix Series of races. Race director David Vogel always makes sure this is a fun and challenging 4.25 mile race so plan on attending. Check-in starts at 8:30 a.m. so come early and hang out before the race. For early risers, meet at 8:00 a.m. for a course check before the race. And hang out afterwards, maybe bring something to eat, and we’ll swap stories about last week’s races.

Speaking of races, big congratulations to everyone who raced at Bear Mountain on Saturday or Sunday and particularly these local runners. You all are amazing.

Charlotte Dequeker, F40-44 age group winner, 11:16:57
John McElroy, M40-44 age group 3rd place, 09:04:51
Virgil Bretz, M45-49 age group winner, 09:13:47
Joe Mokszycki, M60-64 age group winner, 12:27:46

Michele Zandona, F35-39 age group winner, 06:14:30
Todd Henrich, M45-49 age group 4th place, 05:32:15

Half Marathon
Justin Pufahl, M1-19 age group 2nd place, 02:44:23
Paul Pacchiana, M60-64 age group 2nd place, 02:58:22
James (Jimmy) Mcgough, M65+ age group 5th place, 03:28:28

Kirby Mosenthal, Overall Female Winner, 00:52:41
Erin McNally, F35-39 age group 3rd place, 01:05:37
David Isaac, M50-54 age group winner, 00:59:38


On Friday, June 9, at 8:00 p.m., join us at lean-to 5 (Michigan Road) for a night run. Course to be determined but will be around 6 miles. Bring a headlamp and some of your favorite “recovery” food and drink and we’ll hang out by the fire afterwards.

April 30, Michigan Road

click for map
click for map

On Sunday, April 30, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Michigan Road lot when we follow the Michigan to Kimberly Bridge course. Michigan Road is our traditional starting point for runs in the southern portion of the reservation but this time we’ll run North from the lot to the Meadow, follow some of the Leatherman’s Loop course trail to Kimberly Bridge, then “up” the blue trail and return by way of yellow. There are some hills on this course particularly around mile 4. You have been warned. Anyone interested in getting a few more miles in can arrive at 5:00 a.m., 6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m. for an early start. Trail Map here ››

On Saturday, April 29, join us for one last training run at Bear Mountain before the North Face Endurance Challenge in two weeks. Options include distances of 50k, 26 miles, 22 miles, and the 13 mile half marathon course. There are PDF, GPX, and KML files of the courses available here and you should bring a map just in case. Three options to meet that day: 6:00 a.m. Woodsbridge Lot, Katonah; 6:40 a.m., Anthony Wayne; 7:00 a.m. Ice Rink Lot. Complete details in the calendar.

Also on Saturday, April 29, at 6:00 a.m., join Peeter Muursepp at the Lewisboro Town Park for around 12 miles. I’ll leave the details of the course to him though.

On Friday, May 5, at 7:30 p.m., join us at lean-to 5 (Michigan Road) for a night run. Course to be determined but will be around 6 miles. Bring a headlamp and some of your favorite “recovery” food and drink and we’ll hang out by the fire afterwards.

Great job last week at the Leatherman’s Loop. Nice to see so many of you take the podium and win a pie and even nicer still to just hang out after the race. Next race in the Trail Mix Series is A Mild Sprain on Sunday, May 21. Hope to see you there.

Lee Willett

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April 23, Leatherman’s Loop

On Sunday, April 23, we’ll be meeting at the Meadow lot for the 31st annual Leatherman’s Loop. For complete instructions, visit Good luck all, I hope to see you all there.

Click for map
Click for map

On Saturday, April 22, at 7:00 a.m., meet at the Lewisboro Town Park when we run the 12 or 15 mile Reservation Perimeter Loop. The course takes us on all perimeter trails and the 15 mile version adds a climb over the Fire Tower. If you’re training for the North Face Endurance Challenge, this is a great opportunity to get a run in while saving a little for the Loop.

On Saturday, April 22, at 6:00 a.m., meet at the north end of the Anthony Wayne lot at Bear Mountain for a 13 to 15 mile loop. Kevin Rader will lead the group, which is good since he knows those trails better than I do. If you want to car pool from the Woodsbridge Lot in Katonah, plan to leave there at 5:15 a.m.

Do you like saving money? If you reach out to Warren Young, account rep at, at (810) 204-4663 or wyoung@backcountry, and tell him you’re with the Leatherman Harriers Sunday Runs group, he’ll set you up with a 15{accc40b09832ee94a70b9d38053be2da501a998c4b43b97565b1c370fb270371} discount when you buy from the store. I don’t typically make endorsements but I’ve had good experience buying from them and you guys might want to give them a try.

And one last note, you’ve probably heard that this year’s tick population is going to be high. I know several runners have pulled ticks off themselves recently so want to remind everyone to check yourselves over carefully after a run even if you’ve stayed in the middle of the trail. Use a repellent—ones with deet are more effective—and if you see something suspicious on another runner, let them know. Lyme disease and other tickborne illnesses can be serious.

Now, enjoy the photo from this past Sunday I hope to see you this weekend.


January 29, Mountain Lakes Park

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click for map page

This Sunday, January 29, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the trail head to Lookout Point in Mountain Lakes Park (201 Hawley Road, North, Salem, NY) when we run the Yellow-OS-IS loop. This course winds through the park and includes the new IS trail which connects the OS trail to Spruce Lake. If you want to get an early start, arrive at 7:00 a.m. and for those insomniacs out there, bring a headlamp and start at 6:00 a.m. If you are looking to get some distance in, take Hunt Lane to the Realander loop and back for an added 7 miles of (mostly) dirt roads. See the map here ››

Next week we’ll be back in the Rez for the sixth annual Looper Bowl.

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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Last Sunday’s big group at the Trailside Museum.


October 30, Meadow Lot

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click for map page

This Sunday, October 30, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow Lot when we run a course check of the Raven Rocks Run. This will be our only course check so if you’re planning on running the November 13 race, this will be your chance to check out the course which includes the new CB trail. Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a few extra miles but bring a headlamp—the sun isn’t up that early. See the map here ››


Anyone interested in a Saturday run, I can’t think of a more appropriate place for a pre-Halloween run than at Devil’s Den in Connecticut. Saturday, October 31, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Devil’s Den parking lot, 3 Pent Road, Weston, CT, and run a 6.4 mile perimeter loop including the Ambler Gorge loop, but bring your own maps because no one wants to get lost in Devil’s Den on Halloween. See the map here ››


Friday, November 4, at 7:00 p.m., dig out your headlamps for a night run. Meet at the Michigan Road lean-to #5 at 7:00 p.m. for a 7:30 p.m. start. The course (to be determined) will be around 6 miles and we’ll run rain or shine. Anyone who wants to join the fun but doesn’t want to run can tend the fire while we’re out on the trail. Bring a headlamp, a change of warm clothes, and some refreshments so you can, you know, rehydrate after the run. Plan to spend some time around the campfire afterwards and bring $5 to $10 to share the cost of the rental.

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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October 16, Lewisboro Town Park

click for map page
click for map page

This Sunday, October 16, at 8:00 a.m, meet at the Lewisboro Town Park Upper Lot when we run a course that includes some of the newest trails in the Reservation—The Town Park to Covered Bridge Loop. We’ll all start out together and head toward the Meadow and up the FH trail but from there, you’ll have options for different distances. Three of the four options will take you down the new CB trail to the new covered bridge. If you run the 7.3 or 8.6 loop, when you are running through the meadow near Michigan Road, keep to your left and take the path into the woods on the new trail to the Mill Site. The 8.6 mile option takes you to a couple smaller trails that we haven’t been on in a while so pay attention to the turns. Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a short loop.

Next week we’ll be back at Muscoot for the Run the Farm race. And Save the date Friday, November 4 for a night run. We’ll meet at the Michigan Road lean-to #5 at 7:00 p.m. for a 7:30 p.m. start. Bring a headlamp, a change of warm clothes, and some refreshments so you can, you know, rehydrate. Plan to spend some time around the campfire after the run.

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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Great course check at Muscoot. Looks like you’re all ready to Run the Farm.


October 9, Muscoot Farm

click for map page
click for map page

This Sunday, October 9, at 8:00 a.m, meet at the Muscoot Farm parking lot ( for a course check of the Run the Farm loop. This 5 mile course will start from the parking lot at 8:00 and follow the Run the Farm loop with the exception of finishing in the parking lot. If you’re signed up for the race, you’ll want to come to this course check and test out the trail. Just remember, please keep clear of the main farm and farm equipment and park on the side of the lot away from the farm. And bring some money so you can shop at the farmer’s market after the run. Download a map of the five-mile course here.

And don’t forget to register for the upcoming fall races:
Run The Farm, Sunday, October 23
Raven Rocks Run, Sunday, November 13

Next week we’ll be back at the Reservation. Hope to see you out there this weekend.
Lee Willett

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Great run and one of the first in a long time were we stayed together as a group. Nice job all.


September 25, Sarah Bishop Bushwhack

Sunday, September 25, 9:00 a.m.
This Sunday, meet at Mountain Lakes Park (201 Hawley Road, North Salem, New York 10560), when we race the Sarah Bishop Bushwhack. All that training and those course checks come down to this—a 10k trail race featuring a challenging course that includes the highest peak in Westchester—Bailey Mountain—and beautiful views of Lookout Point and Hemlock Lake. The weather this weekend should be beautiful and the conditions on Sunday, ideal. Registration closes at midnight on Thursday night but as long as the race isn’t sold out, we will have same-day registration. Race day registration will be $40 and we ask that you have exact change. Also aim to be in the park before 8:45. The road will be blocked at 9:00 for the start of the race so if you’re not there by then, well, you get the picture.

And don’t forget to register for the upcoming fall races:
Run The Farm, Sunday, October 23
Raven Rocks Run, Sunday, November 13

Hope to see you out there this weekend.
Lee Willett

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Great to see so many Leatherman Harriers at Where the Pavement Ends. Congratulations to all of the winners and to everyone who came out to have a good time.


September 11, Mountain Lakes Park

map at

This Sunday, September 11, at 8:00 a.m, meet at Mountain Lakes Park in North Salem (201 Hawley Road) when we do a course check of the 2016 Sarah Bishop Bushwhack. This is the only course check this year so if you want to check out the course with the group, this is your only chance. Meet at the pool parking lot (gravel road opposite the Hemlock Lake Beach) where race day parking is and get ready to run this 10K-ish loop with a few twists and turns. Those that want to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a warm-up.
See the map ››   Register for the Race ››

Saturday, September 10, 8:00 a.m. For those who want to run on Saturday, make a course check of the Pavement Ends course in preparation for the September 18 race. Meet at 10 Shore Drive, Ridgefield, CT at 7:45 for an 8:00 start and stick with the 4-mile course or take a longer, scenic route to Bennett’s Pond (see the course here).

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

And don’t forget to register for the upcoming fall races:
Where the Pavement Ends, Sunday, September 18
Sarah Bishop Bushwhack, Sunday, September 25. Shirts will be ordered on September 13. No late orders accepted.
Run The Farm, Sunday, October 23
Raven Rocks Run, Sunday, November 13

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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Glad everyone enjoyed last week’s mystery run. I hope your injuries heal before the upcoming races.LEE_9120

September 4, Michigan Road Lot

This Sunday, September 4, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Michigan Road Lot when we run a very special course that we’ve not been on for over three years. I’m not going to bore you with details but I will bring maps. If you have gaiters and/or calf-high socks, I’d suggest you might want those as well—we’re going an an 8-mile adventure. If you want to get an early start, arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a few extra miles.

This Saturday, September 3, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow Lot. No particular course. No particular distance. No particular pace. Just run.

This Monday, September 5, at 8:30 a.m., meet at Mianus River Gorge for a short 5 mile-ish out-and-back. Or there’s the 7 mile bike, 4 mile run, Church Tavern Biathlon in South Salem at 9:30 a.m.—that’s always a good time.

RacitMainLogo_FBDon’t forget to register for the Trail Mix Races this fall including the Sarah Bishop Bushwhack on September 25. T-shirt orders will be going in in a week or so, so if you want one, you need to sign up.

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Last week’s crew at the Meadow.


August 28, Meadow Lot

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click for map page

This Sunday, August 28, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow Lot when we run the RAVEN ROCKS RUN. We haven’t run the full course since January so this is a great chance to refresh your memory of one of the more challenging courses around and kick off the fall Trail Mix Series a little early. If you want to get an early start, arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a few extra miles. See the map page ››

This Saturday, August 27, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Zofnass Family Preserve in Pound Ridge (259 Upper Shad Road, see Google Map) when we run everyone’s favorite labyrinthian preserve with a network of trails noted for its crags and rock outcrops. Meet at the main entrance and follow a 6-mile perimeter loop making all right turns except for exiting the park, and excluding the orange, western loop. See the map page here.

RacitMainLogo_FBDon’t forget to register for the Trail Mix Races this fall including the Sarah Bishop Bushwhack on September 25. T-shirt orders will be going in within two weeks so if you want one, you need to sign up.
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Great to see so many runners out last week, no matter how long your 7 miles were.

August 21, Trailside Museum

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click for map page

This Sunday, August 21, at 8:00 a.m, meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Trailside Museum when we run a new course—Trailside, CB, to Blue route. This 7-mile course starts with a bit of an uphill (that’s being kind) but once you head down the CB trail within the first mile, you can catch your breath and enjoy yourself. There might be another hill or two along the way but nothing to worry about. The course follows a new trail that has been marked with temporary flags starting in the woods behind the Michigan Road residence and ending at the Old Mill. By the time you reach the blue trail, you’ll remember what makes that one of our favorites in the park. If you’re not feeling the love of the full distance, you can cut a couple miles from the run. See the map here ››
If you’re looking for an early start, arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a pre-run loop.

This Saturday, August 20, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the trail head to Lookout Point in Mountain Lakes Park (201 Hawley Road, North, Salem, NY) and run the 10K-ish Sarah Bishop Course—backwards. That is, start at the trail head to lookout point, run up to Hemlock campsite and follow the Sarah Bishop course in the opposite direction. That means heading down the stairs near the end of the run so save a little energy for that. Bring your own maps for this one, I’ll see you on Sunday instead. See the map here ››

RacitMainLogo_FBDon’t forget to register for the Trail Mix Races this fall including the Sarah Bishop Bushwhack on September 25.

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Steamy run for sure but you guys make it look easy.LEE_8748

July 17, Lewisboro Town Park



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click for map page

This Sunday, July 17, at 8:00 a.m, meet at the Lewisboro Town Park Upper Lot when we run a course that includes one of the newest trails in the Reservation—The Town Park to Covered Bridge Loop. We’ll all start out together and head toward the Meadow and up the FH trail but from there, you’ll have options for different distances. Three of the four options will take you down the new CB trail to the new covered bridge. If you run the 7.3 or 8.6 loop, when you get to the private residence on Michigan, keep to your left and take the path around the house. The 8.6 mile option takes you to a couple smaller trails that we haven’t been on in a while so pay attention to the turns. Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a short loop.
Download a PDF map of the course ››

On Saturday, July 16, at 6:00 a.m., meet at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow Lot for a 16-mile clockwise perimeter-plus loop of the park. We’ll head over to the Fire Tower, down the Rock Trail, up the Overlook and back to the Meadow. If you want to catch us on the run like a game of Pokemon Go, we should be on the Blue Trail around the Fire Tower at 7:00 and and on the Rock Trail near Spy Rock at 8:00. Come join us.

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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Good looking group at Mountain Lakes Park last weekend.


June 12, Michigan Road Lot

click for map page
click for map page

This Sunday, June 12, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Ward Pound Ridge Michigan Road Lot when we run the Michigan Road Gerrython. Gerry Sullivan has lent his considerable expertise in creating a 13-mile loop that includes some of the toughest trails in the Reservation. You have options for multiple distances from 5 to 13 miles (see map) so pick a distance, pick a color, and stay on course. Those looking to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a 4-mile warmup loop.

On Saturday, June 11, if you’re looking for a race, there’s the Huntington State Park Challenge in Redding, CT, with distances ranging from 5k to 20k. If you don’t want to race, I recommend meeting at the trail head to lookout point at Mountain Lakes Park and running the MLP 15K course, making the run as long or as short as you want it. We’ll be back here in a few weeks so this is a great opportunity to check out the trails.

I’m putting together a run of the Escarpment trail on Saturday, July 2. Options of different distances up to 18 miles all on very technical trails in the Catskills. More information is here ›› and let me know if you’re interested.

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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Thanks for coming out for the run last weekend although I honestly didn’t know it was “wear your Mild Sprain shirt” day.


May 22, A Mild Sprain

This Sunday, May 22, at 9:45 a.m., meet at Sprain Ridge Park, Yonkers, for the fifth annual A Mild Sprain—the second in the Trail Mix Series of races. Race director David Vogel always makes sure this is a fun and challenging 4.25 mile race so plan on attending. Check in starts at 8:30 so come early and hang out before the race. Race-day registration is available.

Also available and starting at 8:00 a.m. is The Running Goddess 5k at Lasdon Park. This is a multi-terrain race through the park and proceeds support women and girls in their pursuit of health and education.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…. Yes, it is possible to run both races—think of this as the cross county challenge (because to do it, you need to cross the county). Run The Running Goddess 5k, jump in your car and (obeying all local speed limits) make your way to Sprain Ridge Park. The travel time is 35 minutes so you should have just enough time. Running Goddess race director Bettina Sementilli will make sure the race starts on time so you should be able to run A Mild Sprain.

Saturday, May 21, 8:00 a.m.
Looking for a Saturday run? I suggest checking out Zofnass Preserve in Pound Ridge. We’ll be there in a couple of weeks so this is your chance to check it out first.

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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What an awesome day at Storm King last week. Thank you Nick and Tony for offering such a unique run. This was something special. Lots more photos here ››


April 17, Meadow Lot

click for map page

This Sunday, April 17, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow Parking lot when we run a course that combines some serious hills with some wide-open trails to stretch your legs. The Meadow, Museum, Fire Tower to Michigan run is 6 miles of awesome that will give you a combination of steep slopes and gentle hills (pretty much in that order). There are some unexpected turns on this course so you’ll want to keep a map handy so you’re sure to stay on-course. It’s easy to take a wrong turn, just sayin’.

For those who want to get an early start on the day, arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a 4-mile run of the BR loop.

Next week I look forward to seeing a lot of you at the Leatherman’s Loop.

Lee Willett

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And thanks to all who came out last Sunday for the Raven Rocks run.


February 14, Teatown to Kitchawan

Click for map
Click for map

On Sunday, February 14, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Teatown Lake Reservation, , and run an out-and-back course on the Teatown Kitchawan Trail. The course consists of relatively easy trails, a dirt road, and a small stretch of pavement. The full course is 13.2 miles round trip marked as the gray line on the map but you can turn back at any point for a shorter run.

We’ll start at the Teatown Lake Reservation which has a HEATED nature center open at 9:00 a.m. After the run, you can bring a thermos of something warm to drink or something to eat and hang out while getting warm. It’s going to be cold out there on Sunday, I’m not going to lie about that, so dress warmly. If you’d like to get a few miles in early, arrive at 7:00 a.m.

Download the PDF trail map here ›› | Learn more here ››

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November 22, Leonard Park

7.7 Miles
10 Miles
13.1 Miles

This Sunday, November 22, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the gazebo at Leonard Park in Mt. Kisco (see map) when we tackle some different trails. We’ll start in Leonard park, go through Marsh Sanctuary, Merestead, Butler Sanctuary, and for the truly intrepid, Westmoreland Sanctuary. Runners will have a choice of various distances.
5 Mile Run: Take the course through Marsh and Merestead to the Butler loop.
7.7 Mile Run: Follow the Butler loop for a total of 7.7 miles.
10 Mile Run: Cross the road to Westmoreland Sanctuary for a short loop.
13.1 Mile Run (approx): Anyone interested in going farther can try the Leonard Park to Westmoreland Greenbelt Half Marathon which adds the perimeter course of Westmoreland.

Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 for a few extra miles.

Saturday, November 21, 8:00 a.m. Meet at Trout Brook Valley Trails, Bradley Road Parking Lot, Weston, CT, for an 8 to 10 mile run in the 1000+ acre park of hiking trails. Learn more››  |   See the map of the preserve here.

Thursday, November 26, 9:00 a.m. Planning on doing some carbo loading this Thanksgiving? Then work up an appetite with a 5-mile run through Westmoreland Sanctuary on Thanksgiving morning. Meet at 9:00 a.m. when we run the Westmoreland Perimeter Loop.

Friday, November 27, 8:30 a.m. Anyone interested in a post-Thanksgiving run can meet at Mianus River Gorge at 8:30 a.m. for a 5-mile out-and-back run. Since the Gorge will be closing November 30, this will be the last chance to run there this year.

Hope to see you this weekend.

Lee Willett

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November 15, Raven Rocks Run

click for map page

This Sunday, November 15, at 9:00 a.m., be ready for the inaugural Raven Rocks Run—10(ish) kilometers of challenging trails in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation full of great views, rocky climbs, ridgeline paths, meadows, ravines and the site of the former fire tower. Arrive at the meadow parking lot by 8:15 a.m. and visit for answers to any last-minute questions. See the map here ››

Next week we’ll be off the reservation at Leonard Park in Mt. Kisco for the multi-park run of up to 13 miles. Tony and I need to make sure the path is clear so this is subject to change. We’re also working on a night run soon so keep your Friday nights clear.

Hope to see you this weekend.

Lee Willett

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November 8, Mountain Lakes Park

click for map page

This Sunday, November 8, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the trailhead to Lookout Point in Mountain Lakes Park (201 Hawley Road, North, Salem, NY) when we run the 5.5 mile perimeter loop. Start up the path to Lookout Point and follow the course over Bailey Mountain and the OS trail. Add an optional 1-mile loop at Hunt Lane and/or 1.5 miles for the Herst-Mead and Halmi Preserves for up to 8 fun miles. Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. to get a few miles in. See the map here ››

Next week we’ll be back at the Reservation for the Raven Rocks Run—the last Trail Mix Series race of the season. I look forward to seeing you this weekend.

Register for the race here: Raven Rocks Run, Sunday, November 15

Lee Willett

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September 6, Meadow Lot

Click for map page

This Sunday, September 6, at 8:00 a.m, meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow lot when we run the Meadow to Blue Route. This 6.8 mile course starts up the hill to Michigan Road then winds its way past Raven Rocks around the Blue trail to Kimberly Bridge and back via Br and FH trails. While the first half of the run has some hills, the last half is flat—and fast. Options for a 5-mile loop are marked on the map as well. Those that want to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. for a warm-up. See the map ››

Saturday, September 5, 8:00 a.m. For those who want to run on Saturday, Keith Realander will be leading a group of runners on the Pavement Ends course in preparation for the September 20 race. Meet at 10 Shore Drive, Ridgefield, CT at 7:45 for an 8:00 start and stick with the 4-mile course or take a longer, scenic route to Bennett’s Pond (see the course here).

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

And don’t forget to register for the upcoming fall races:
Where the Pavement Ends, Sunday, September 20
Sarah Bishop Bushwhack, Sunday, September 27
Run The Farm, Sunday, October 25

Lee Willett

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August 23, Bennett’s Pond, Ridgefield, CT

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This Sunday, August 23, at 8:00 a.m., meet at a new location on the Ridgefield/Danbury border—Bennett’s Pond—when we run an epic 10.5 mile loop designed by Keith Realander. Meet at the parking lot on Bennett’s Farm Road (see Google map) prepared to run this clockwise loop which includes some of the same trails in the Pavement Ends race. Those looking for a 6.5-mile run can eliminate the Hemlock Hills loop. An out-and-back to the end of of the White trail will get you a scenic 5 mile run so there are options for making the run shorter. Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. See the Sunday map here ››

Anyone looking to run on Saturday, August 22, at 8:00 a.m. can meet at Graham Hills Park in Mount Pleasant, NY (see Google map), for a 5-ish mile loop on trails that wind through many diverse habitats in this 431-acre park. Trails are mostly single track and are shared with mountain bikers. Bring your own map and have fun. See the Saturday map here ››

And don’t forget to register for the upcoming fall races:
Where the Pavement Ends, Sunday, September 20
Sarah Bishop Bushwhack, Sunday, September 27
Run The Farm, Sunday, October 25

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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August 16, Kimberly Bridge

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This Sunday, August 16, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Kimberly Bridge Lot to run a new course—a double-loop on DH, Brown and Blue. This 8.3 mile course will take us first on the northern trails then as far south as Raven Rocks. In between, we’ll return to Kimberly Bridge and hopefully pick up a few additional runners here to celebrate George Grenier’s 50th birthday. There are options to shorten the run as well if you’re not up for the full 8-mile loop. After the run, stick around for a celebratory picnic. Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. See the Sunday map here ››

Anyone looking to run on Saturday, August 15, at 8:00 a.m. can meet at The Lucius Pond Ordway/Devil’s Den Preserve, the largest tract of protected land in Fairfield County. Its patchwork of woodlands, wetlands and rock ledges and a series of north-south ridges and valleys woven with streams and swamps make the Devil’s Den ideal for running. 3 Pent Rd, Weston, CT.  See the Saturday map here ››

And don’t forget to register for the upcoming fall races:
Where the Pavement Ends, Sunday, September 20
Sarah Bishop Bushwhack, Sunday, September 27
Run The Farm, Sunday, October 25

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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August 9, Lewisboro Town Park

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This Sunday, August 9, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Lewisboro Town Park Upper Parking Lot to run a perennial favorite—The Fat-Ass 7mile Loop. This course starts up the hill behind the town park and passes the Trailside Museum, Michigan Road, and returns via Schoolhouse Road and the brown trail. Those looking to make the run even longer can make a larger loop on Yellow and/or Green. Anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. See the Sunday map here ››

Anyone looking to run on Saturday, August 8, at 8:00 a.m. can meet at Butler Preserve in Mt. Kisco and run the Butler Double Loop course. See the Saturday map here ››

And don’t forget to register for the upcoming fall races:
Where the Pavement Ends, Sunday, September 20
Sarah Bishop Bushwhack, Sunday, September 27
Run The Farm, Sunday, October 25

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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August 2, Trailside Museum

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This Sunday, August 2, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Trailside Museum when we run the Trailside, Raven, to Tower loop. You have choices of a 6 mile loop, a 9 mile loop, and anything in between depending on what you want to run. And anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. See the map here ››

Anyone looking to run on Saturday, August 1, at 8:00 a.m. can meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow lot and run the Fire Tower Summit Run. See the map here ››


Join us on Friday, July 31, at 8:00 p.m. at Hemlock North Campsite (NEW LOCATION) in Mountain Lakes Park (201 Hawley Road, North Salem) when we run our first night run in the park—the Hemlock Loop. Arrive at 8:00 p.m., drive into the park to Hemlock Drive and turn left (where the Sarah Bishop Bushwhack starts). Park at the beach area or at the Hemlock dining hall area if necessary and walk to Hemlock North campsite. Bring a headlamp or flashlight, some snacks, something to rehydrate afterwards, and probably a chair to sit back and relax in. This is a 5.25 mile loop which can be shortened to 2.5 miles if you want. The main course will be marked so you should be able to find your way. See the map here ››

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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July 26, Mountain Lakes Park

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This Sunday, July 26, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the trailhead to Lookout Point in Mountain Lakes Park (201 Hawley Road, North, Salem, NY) when we run the 5.5 mile perimeter loop. Start up the path to Lookout Point and follow the course over Bailey Mountain and the OS trail. Add an optional 1-mile loop at Hunt Lane to make it even more of a challenge. Make sure you take the Orange trail path on your right before you enter Camp Morty and the Yurt Village. Camp is in session so avoid that area. If you’re going to join us for Friday’s night run, the course will be the same with the exception of starting at Larch. And And anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. I won’t be there this Sunday so BRING YOUR OWN MAPS please. See the map here ››

I know a lot of people are running Escarpment this weekend but on Saturday, July 25, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Butler Sanctuary and run the double loop 5-mile course. See the map here ››

And Join us on Friday, July 31, at 8:00 p.m. at Larch Campsite in Mountain Lakes Park when we run our first night run in the park. Look for complete instructions on the site. See the map here ››

Good luck to all of the racers this weekend. We’ll see you next week.

Lee Willett

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July 19, Meadow Parking Lot

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This Sunday, July 19, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow parking lot when we run the Meadow to Overlook loop. The six-mile loop will take you to the Trailside Museum, past the wigwam to Michigan Road and then return via Shoolhouse Road. The climb to the Overlook at mile four is tough but the view is well worth it. For those looking for a longer run, follow the dotted line to Kimberly Bridge and up Blue for a total of 8 miles (I know that puts two of the steepest climbs on the same run but I’m game if you are). And anyone interested in getting an early start can arrive at 7:00 a.m. See the map here ››

On Saturday, July 18, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Lewisboro Town Park upper lot and run the Town to Orange 6.3-mile loop. We’ll be doing this on a future Sunday so check out the course in advance. See the map here ››

We’ll be at Mountain Lakes Park next Sunday for a preview of the Sarah Bishop Bushwhack course. Hope to see you out here this weekend.

Lee Willett

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July 12, Westmoreland Sanctuary

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This Sunday, July 12, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Westmoreland Sanctuary on Chestnut Ridge Road in Mount Kisco when we run the 5.25 mile perimeter loop. This time, we run the course in a counterclockwise direction and return to the main lot. Those who want an extra challenge can do the Butler loop across the street after the run. That will add another 3+ miles at least to the run for a total of around 8.5. Those looking to start early can arrive at 7:00 and run the Spruce-Brookside-Veery loop. See the map ››

On Saturday, July 11, we have  a group heading up to run the Escarpment trail. This is a very challenging, self-supported run open to experienced runners. If you’re interested, learn more here ››

Hope to see you out here this weekend.

Lee Willett

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July 5, Michigan Road

Trail Running Map of Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Westchester, New York. 6.5 Mile Rock Trail Loop
click for map page

This Sunday, July 5, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Michigan Road lot and run the Rock Trail 6.5 mile loop. This course starts out easy enough with the Red/Yellow trail while you make your way to Raven Rocks. From there, proceed on the Rock Trail (RT) past Castle Rock, the aptly-named Stairs, Spy Rock, Bear Rock, Dancing Rock, and lots and lots of other rocks along the way. Lots of elevation changes on this course so you’re going to have a great run. See the map ››

Those looking to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. which should give you enough time to run to the Meadow, through the field to Schoolhouse Road, and return to Michigan Road in time for the 8:00 start. But bring a map, I don’t think I’ll make the early run this week.

And anyone looking to run Saturday, July 4, at 8:00 a.m. can meet at Westmoreland Sanctuary and run the 5.25 mile perimeter loop. If you want a longer run, cross the street to Butler and run some of the trails there.

And if you REALLY want to start your weekend off early, join us on Friday, July 3, at 8:00 a.m. at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow Lot and run the Meadow to Overlook 6.3 mile loop. This is a perennial favorite to start the weekend.

Hope to see you out here this weekend.

Lee Willett

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June 28, Meadow Parking Lot

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Don't forget to wear a bib!
Don’t forget to wear a bib!

This Sunday, June 28, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Meadow Parking lot to run the Leatherman’s Loop course in our first ever Summer Loopstice. A couple of our runners registered for the Loop but were unable to run at the time so they’re going to be running with their bibs. To make them feel at home, I suggest that everyone grab a bib—from the Loop, from another race, or from something else—and come out and run. Those wanting to stay dry can skip the water crossings but not the Mud Flats so bring a change of shoes. See the map ››

Those looking to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. which should give us enough time to run the a loop to Michagan Road and return via Schoolhouse Road.

And anyone looking to run Saturday, June 27, at 8:00 a.m. can run at Rockefeller State Park in Pleasantville, NY. Meet at the Sleepy Hollow High School (210 N. Broadway, Tarrytown, NY) at 8:00 a.m. and be ready to run some of the least technical trails around. I don’t have a course set for this but you can download a map here and plan to run until 9:30 before returning to the cars. Getting coffee might be a good idea afterwards as well.

And if you REALLY want to start your weekend off early, join us on Friday, June 26, at 3:45 p.m. at Butler Sanctuary.

Hope to see you out here this weekend.

Lee Willett

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June 21, Meadow Parking Lot

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click for map page

rainorshineThis Sunday, June 21, at 8:00 a.m., meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Meadow Parking lot to run a truly epic run—Eleanor’s Escape. Start at the Meadow and follow FH and BR to Kimberly Bridge then take Blue around the mountain to Raven Rocks and the Southwestern trails in the park. The full loop is 8.4 miles but you have several options to make the run shorter. Since this is Father’s day, let’s see if we can get a lot of the dads on the trail this Sunday. See the map ››

Those looking to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. which should give us enough time to run the a loop of the northern trails.

And anyone looking to run Saturday, June 20, at 8:00 a.m. can meet at Blue Mountain Reservation (1 Depew Court) and run the Depew Court Loop.

And if you REALLY want to start your weekend off early, join us on Friday, June 19, at 3:45 p.m. when we run the 5.25 Mile Westmoreland Perimeter Loop.

Check out the Minnewaska State Park Solstice Run on Wednesday, June 24. Carpool options are available. See the calendar event for details.

Next week we’ll be back at the Meadow Parking Lot again to run the Summer Loopstice! Leatherman’s Loop course. Summer Solstice. What could be better?

Lee Willett

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March 29, Meadow Parking Lot

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On Sunday, March 29, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Meadow Parking Lot when we run the Meadow Dry Loop. This approximately six-mile course follows much of the Leatherman’s Loop but nixes the water crossings and mud flats. What’s left? Still a challenging and fun run and while I call this the “dry loop,” I can’t guarantee you will finish the run with your feet dry. The warm temperatures and rain have signaled the end of ice and snow and the beginning of mud and water. Those looking to do some extra miles can arrive at 7:00 for a 3 to 4 mile loop.

And don’t miss our Saturday dinner at Jewel of Himalaya. Just let us know if you’re coming by Friday night so we can get a head count.

Just four weeks before the Leatherman’s Loop. Time to get out there and train. Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett

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March 22, Michigan Road

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On Sunday, March 22, at 8:00 a.m., meet at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Michigan Road lot and run some of the southern trails on the Red/Rock loop. I know we’ve run the Red, Green, and Yellow trails recently and those are generally in good shape—hard packed and stable. The snow melted enough that the trails to the Overlook, while still snow-covered, are at least passable. The southern portion of the Rock Trail, though, is free of snow in many places and a great run if you’re up for the hills. I know we’re expecting more snow on Friday/Saturday but we’ll still meet as planned and evaluate conditions at that time. Those looking to do some extra miles can arrive at 7:00 for a 3 to 4 mile loop.

Just five weeks before the Leatherman’s Loop.

Hope to see you out there this weekend.

Lee Willett
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February 22, Kimberly Bridge

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Sunday, February 22, 8:00 a.m.
This Sunday, meet at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Kimberly Bridge lot when we run a new course—Blue and Brown. The 4-mile Blue trail has been well packed and is a great run combining the initial long gentle trail and the steep up and down of the Fire Tower. Once back at the parking lot, head off to the DH trail and return via brown to add an additional 2.7 miles. Those who want to do a little more can tack on an extra mile by following DH through the pine forest and returning via Br. I’ve run all of these trails this week and for the most part they’re well compacted and stable. That said, we are expecting some snow on Saturday night and the temperatures on Sunday should be in the 30s so be prepared for anything.

Those looking to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. and run the DH/Br loop but bring a map—I can’t guarantee I’ll be there early this week.

Hope to see you this weekend.

Lee Willett

February 15, Lewisboro Town Park

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click for map page

Sunday, February 15, 8:00 a.m.
Meet at Lewisboro Town Park upper parking lot and run the Town to Michigan Loop. From the Town Park, we’ll follow the DH trail  to the Trailside Museum, follow Orange to Red/Yellow, then return via the Brown trail making a clockwise loop. I’ve marked loops of 3 miles, 5.5 miles, and 6.8 miles on the map so you have your choice of distances. As of Thursday, though, I didn’t see any activity on the FH trail from Michigan to the Meadow so I suggest we follow the road for that portion of the run instead.

Those looking to start early can arrive at 7:00 a.m. and get the 3-mile loop in as a warmup.

Hope to see you this weekend.

Lee Willett

October 26, Muscoot Farm

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Sunday, October 26
This Sunday, October 26, at 9:30 a.m, meet at Muscoot Farm ( for  the Run the Farm 5 Mile Trail Race. This 5 mile course starts from the farm and follows the outlying trails around Muscoot. You can download a map of the five-mile course here.
8:30 a.m. Kids’ Race (7 to 12-year-olds)
8:45 a.m. Kids’ Race 2 (6 and under)
9:30 a.m. 5 Mile Race
For more information, visit

Next week we’ll be meeting at a new location—Levy Preserve on Route 124 near Route 35 in South Salem. And Save the date of Friday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m. We’ve reserved the lean-to at Michigan Road that night for our first night run. Grab your headlamp, flashlight or whatever you have—it’s going to be dark. And come out to Zofnass on the morning of Saturday, November 8, and help Westchester Land Trust remediate the preserve. The more that come, the faster we’ll be done.

I look forward to seeing you at the farm.

Lee Willett

October 19, Muscoot Farm

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click for map page

Run the Farm Course Check Sunday, October 19, 8:00 a.m.
This Sunday, October 19, at 8:00 a.m, meet at the Muscoot Farm parking lot ( for a course check of the Run the Farm loop.  This 5 mile course will start from the parking lot at 8:00 and follow the Run the Farm loop with the exception of finishing in the parking lot. If you’re signed up for the race, you’ll want to come to this course check and test out the trail. Just remember, please keep clear of the main farm and farm equipment, and park on the side of the lot away from the farm. You can download a map of the five-mile course here.

I look forward to seeing you on the trails.

Lee Willett

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October 12, Lewisboro Town Park

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click for map page

Sunday, October 12, 8:00 a.m.
Sorry folks, the course check for Run the Farm has been postponed a week. Instead, meet at Lewisboro Town Park and run the Town to Michigan Loop. Start at the Lewisboro Town Park upper parking lot and follow the DH trail  to the Trailside museum then return via the Brown trail making a clockwise loop. I’ve marked loops of 3 miles, 5.5 miles, and 6.8 miles on the map but if you want a longer run, you can take the Red trail at intersection 33 and head to Raven Rocks for a run somewhere between 8 and 9 miles. Or if you want to add some hill work, take the FH trail over Fox Hill before making the southern loop. Plenty of options here but I won’t be able to join you so bring your own maps (unless you want to get lost).

Have a great run and I’ll see you next week at Muscoot Farm.

Lee Willett

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September 21, A Choice of Venues

This Sunday, September 21, at 8:00 a.m., you have a few choices of events:

pavementends_iconWhere the Pavement Ends Four Mile Trail Race, Ridgefield, CT.
This four mile trail runs through Hemlock Hills in Ridgefield in a mix of fire road and single track that twists through areas that most of you will have never seen. Meet at the Ridgebury School, South Shore Drive, Ridgefield, CT and be ready to run at 8:00 a.m. This is the first of the Trail Mix Series of races leading to next spring’s Leatherman’s Loop.

kiscorunFirst Annual Mt. Kisco 5K Road Race
For those looking for something different, there’s the First Annual 5K road race through the heart of Mt. Kisco. Sunday Runner Kathy Lynch is one of the race organizers for this inaugural event that starts at 8:00 a.m. at Kirby Plaza/Train Station. Post-race party at MTK Supper Club and take advantage of Mt. Kisco Sidewalk Sale Days, including some of the best food and shops in the area.

WPR_7.5mi_EleanorsEscapeEleanor’s Escape 7.5 Mile Loop
For those not looking to race this weekend can meet at the Ward Pound Ridge Michigan Road lot and run Eleanor’s Escape 7.5 mile loop. This course will take you on the beautiful blue trail, past Raven Rocks, then back via the red/green trail. But bring your own maps this time—I’ll be at one of the races above.

Sadly, I’ve learned that recently there was some vandalism at Zofnass Family Preserve. Someone marked paths using day-glow indelible spray paint on trees, rocks, and soil. Since the preserve is an environmentally-sensitive wetland area, remediation will be both costly and difficult. I’ve been in touch with Westchester Land Trust and asked them to keep me informed if they need volunteers with the work. If anyone knows anything about who might have done this, please contact me or the Westchester Land Trust. I’ll keep you informed as this develops.

Next weekend is The Second Annual Sarah Bishop Bushwhack at Mountain Lakes Park. We’ll be closing online registration late next week and giving the course one final run text Saturday. We hope to see you all there.

Have a great weekend, whatever you decide to do.

Lee Willett

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